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Swimming Pool Cocktail Rezept

The fruity and creamy Swimming Pool Cocktail

Do you already know the Swimming Pool Cocktail? This cocktail will certainly look familiar to you. Due to its great play of colors, it can generally be found in every bar. But what is behind the cocktail? What ingredients do you need so that you can recreate the real original recipe? You can find out all this in our blog for recipes and instructions.

The cocktail box with all the ingredients, an original recipe, great cocktail glasses and a cocktail shaker

This recipe is based on the ingredients from our cocktail box. If you want to save yourself the trip to different stores, you are welcome to take a look at our cocktail box.

Go this way to the Swimming Pool Cocktailbox.

We hope you have fun mixing!


  1. Story about the cocktail
  2. What utensils do you need for mixing?
  3. Ingredients for your cocktail
  4. The recipe for the swimming pool
  5. Video instructions

1. Story time

The Swimming Pool was first mixed by Charles Schumann in Munich in the famous Schumanns Bar. His original recipe is almost identical to the recipe you will find in your cocktail box. He also served the cocktail in a fancy glass filled with ice, which is why the cocktail is actually not a cocktail at all, but one of the fancy drinks.

2. You need these utensils

Cocktail shakers and jiggers

The cocktail shaker is important for mixing the drink with ice. This creates the creamy, cloudy consistency of a cocktail. For this you can easily use a stainless steel cocktail shaker, which you can also use in our jigger Cocktail boxes find. And what is a jigger? Jiggers are the small measuring cups that bartenders use at every bar to measure the ingredients. This is very important so that you don't accidentally add too much lime juice, for example, and the cocktail then contains too much acid.

Fancy cocktail glasses

These glasses are perfect for cocktails of all kinds. On the one hand, the shape is good for keeping the cocktail cool and on the other hand, the shape is elegant and therefore ensures a great look. The swimming pool was also mixed into a fancy cocktail for the first time.

3. You need these ingredients

To mix a swimming pool cocktail you need:

  • 30 ml white rum
  • 30 ml vodka
  • 90 ml pineapple juice
  • 15 ml coconut monin
  • 15 ml Blue Curacao
  • Ice cubes
  • Crushed ice
  • 30 ml milk (optional)

4. Recipe

  1. Take a shaker and fill it to the top with ice.
  2. Now pour 30 ml rum, 30 ml vodka, 90 ml pineapple juice and 15 ml coconut monin into the shaker.
  3. If you like your cocktails creamy, we recommend adding 30 ml of milk of your choice to the shaker
  4. Now shake the shaker intensively for 20 seconds until it turns ice cold
  5. Take a large glass and fill it to the brim with crushed ice
  6. Now pour the liquid from the shaker into the glass.
  7. Finally, gently pour 15 ml of Blue Curacao over the cocktail.
  8. And your own swimming pool cocktail is ready. Cheers!

5. Video instructions

So that you can mix our recipe even better, we are happy to provide you with video instructions.

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