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Rezept für den Zombie Cocktail: Ein Meisterwerk tropischer Aromen und raffinierter Mischkunst

Recipe for the Zombie Cocktail: A masterpiece of tropical flavors and sophisticated mixing skills

Welcome back, taste explorers! Today we present you a fascinating creation that conquers the senses: The Zombie Cocktail. This unique blend of intense rums and fruity notes pays homage to Tiki culture and brings the flair of tropical beaches straight to your glass.

The Origins of the Zombie: A Journey into Tiki Culture

The Zombie Cocktail was first created in the 1930s by Donn Beach, also known as Don the Beachcomber. Its tiki bars were famous for their exotic atmosphere and sophisticated cocktails, including the legendary Zombie.

The aromas: A harmonious combination

The key to an outstanding Zombie Cocktail lies in the careful combination of ingredients. Here are the elements that fuse together in this extraordinary creation:

  • 30 ml white rum
  • 40 ml brown rum
  • 20ml Cointreau
  • 20 ml grenadine
  • 20 ml passion fruit syrup
  • 40 ml pineapple juice
  • 20 ml lemon juice
  • 40 ml orange juice

The preparation: A touch of mixed art

  1. Choose an attractive glass - ideally the jumbo glass from Bartender Secrets - and fill it with ice. This creates the basis for your exquisite Zombie Cocktail.

  2. Carefully pour the white rum, brown rum, Cointreau, grenadine, passion fruit syrup, pineapple juice, lemon juice and orange juice directly into the glass.

  3. Use a mixing spoon to gently mix the ingredients. This allows the flavors to blend together unobtrusively.

  4. To add the finishing touch, garnish your artwork as desired. A piece of lemon peel, a cherry or a small fruit skewer are ideal additions to complete the experience.

Conclusion: A sip of tropical elegance

The Zombie Cocktail is not just a drink, but a journey of discovery for the palate. The subtle fusion of rum types with the diverse fruit notes takes you to exotic places and lets you feel the Tiki culture up close. No matter whether you enjoy it in company or in peace - the Zombie Cocktail will impress you with its sophisticated mixing skills and unmistakable elegance. Take a sip and immerse yourself in a masterpiece of tropical delights!

You don't have any ingredients or accessories for the zombie yet?

Then take a look at the Jumbo Cocktail Starter Set . This gives you a jumbo bar spoon, two jumbo cocktail glasses, other accessories and delicious ingredients for 2, 4 or 6 cocktails for your zombie cocktail. Do you just need the ingredients? Then take a look at the cocktail ingredient package for the Zombie Cocktail now.

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