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DIY-Likör zu Weihnachten

DIY liqueur | These recipes will delight your guests this Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner, and what could be better than homemade gifts? Homemade liqueurs are a heartfelt and delicious way to show love and appreciation. In this post we present you three simple DIY liqueur recipes that make excellent Christmas gifts. You only need a few ingredients and a little patience to prepare these delicacies.

important in advance:

To ensure that the liqueur suits your taste, you should first think about which schnapps you want to use to create a liqueur. The most common spirits are Korn, vodka or white rum.

Vanilla orange liqueur

You need these ingredients for the vanilla orange liqueur:

  • 1 cup vodka, rum or grain
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • Zest of 2 organic oranges
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water

This is how you make the vanilla orange liqueur:

  1. Slit the vanilla pod lengthways and place it in a clean glass bottle.
  2. Add the orange peel to the bottle.
  3. Heat sugar and water in a saucepan until the sugar is dissolved. Let cool down.
  4. Pour the cooled sugar syrup into the bottle.
  5. Add the liquor and close the bottle tightly.
  6. Store the liqueur in a cool, dark place for about 2 weeks. Shake the bottle occasionally.
  7. Finally, pour the liqueur through a sieve into another decorative glass bottle to filter out impurities.
  8. After 2 weeks, your vanilla orange liqueur is ready to give as a gift.

Chocolate peppermint liqueur

You should use these ingredients for the chocolate peppermint liqueur:

  • 1 cup vodka, rum or grain
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup peppermint candies (e.g. Peppermint Patties)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water

How to make your chocolate peppermint liqueur:

  1. Add the cocoa powder to the glass bottle.
  2. Crush the peppermint candies and add them too.
  3. Heat sugar and water in a saucepan until the sugar is dissolved. Let cool down.
  4. Pour the cooled sugar syrup into the bottle.
  5. Add the liquor and close the bottle tightly.
  6. Store the liqueur in a cool, dark place for about 1 week, shaking occasionally.
  7. Finally, pour the liqueur through a sieve into another decorative glass bottle to filter out impurities.
  8. You now have a tempting chocolate peppermint liqueur for your loved ones.

Hazelnut coffee liqueur

You need these ingredients for the hazelnut coffee liqueur:

  • 1 cup vodka, rum or grain
  • 1/2 cup ground hazelnuts
  • 1/4 cup instant coffee
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water

This is how you make the hazelnut coffee liqueur:

  1. Put the ground hazelnuts in the glass bottle.
  2. Add the instant coffee.
  3. Heat sugar and water in a saucepan until the sugar is dissolved. Let cool down.
  4. Pour the cooled sugar syrup into the bottle.
  5. Add the liquor and close the bottle tightly.
  6. Store the hazelnut coffee liqueur in a cool, dark place for about 1 week, shaking occasionally.
  7. Finally, pour the liqueur through a sieve into another decorative glass bottle to filter out impurities.
  8. Your homemade hazelnut coffee liqueur is ready to spread joy.

Decorate bottles

These DIY liqueurs are not only delicious, but also made with love. Decorate the bottles with pretty labels and ribbons to make them perfect Christmas gifts. Your friends and family will surely be happy about these handmade delicacies. Merry Christmas!

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