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Der Negroni Cocktail - Geschichte, Zutaten, Utensilien und Rezept

The Negroni Cocktail - History, Ingredients, Utensils and Recipe

The Negroni Cocktail is a classic cocktail made with gin, Campari and red vermouth. The cocktail was invented in Florence, Italy in the early 1900s and has since found a loyal following around the world. In this blog, we'll take a look at the history of the Negroni, the ingredients, the utensils needed, and a recipe to mix it at home.

Origin of the Negroni cocktail

The Negroni cocktail was invented in Florence, Italy in the early 1900s. According to legend, the cocktail was invented by Count Camillo Negroni, who lived in the city. The Count got tired of topping up his Americano cocktail (gin, Campari and red vermouth) with soda and asked the bartender to use gin instead of soda. The Negroni was born and quickly became a popular cocktail throughout Italy and beyond.

Ingredients for the Negroni Cocktail

To mix a Negroni cocktail, you need the following ingredients:

  • 30 ml gin
  • 30ml Campari
  • 30 ml red vermouth
  • Orange peel as a garnish

Utensils for the Negroni cocktail

To prepare the Negroni cocktail, you need a few useful utensils:

Recipe for the Negroni

Cocktail How to mix the perfect Negroni cocktail:

  1. Fill the mixing glass with ice.
  2. Add gin, Campari and red vermouth to the glass.
  3. Stir the cocktail with the bar spoon until well chilled, about 20 to 30 seconds. Don't stir too vigorously, but rather smoothly.
  4. Pour the cocktail through the strainer into a tumbler glass or coupe glass.
  5. Garnish the cocktail with an orange peel.

Conclusion The Negroni Cocktail is a classic cocktail that has been delighting the bar world for almost a century. The cocktail is easy to mix and requires only a few ingredients and utensils. If you prefer gin, Campari and red vermouth, you should definitely try the Negroni!

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